Functional & Bodyweight
Elevate your fitness game with our innovative gear, designed to boost strength, flexibility, and endurance during bodyweight and calistenic workouts. Perfect for all fitness levels, these tools enable you to perform effective, full-body workouts without the need for heavy machinery. Achieve real, lasting results - empower your body with the essentials that deliver powerful performance, wherever you train.
ASU Trainer Resistance Bands
349 kr
Smart Count Push Up Board
399 kr
Resistance Rope Bands
99 kr
EOX Resistance Bands
199 kr
Multifunctional Pilates Bar
249 kr
Home Gym Essentials Kit
449 kr
Ab Roller
349 kr
Agility Ladder Set
399 kr
Aqua Bag
429 kr
Adjustable Chin up Bar
249 kr